Tuesday 1 November 2011

Oh dear, Adele.

Oh dear, Adele.

It was only a few months ago that fans had started gathering outside The Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff, when Adele announced that she wouldn't be able to make it to the venue due to throat troubles. Adele, 23, promosed that she would be back in the Capital City when another tour date was arranged.

However, recent news reports have announced this is no longer the case, and that Adele has cancelled all of her remaining live dates and promotional appearances in 2011, after continuously suffering with problems with her voice, which is not a good sign for a successful singer, like Adele!

Adele's website now states that she has been ordered by doctors to 'rest her voice and completely recuperate before looking to schedule any work commitments' after undergoing surgery to 'alleviate problems with her throat.'

Adele said "I have absolutely no choice but to recuperate properly and fully, or I risk damaging my voice forever." But the statement added that Adele was set to make a full recovery from her operation, which must be a huge relief for the star.

On her blog, Adele said "I've been offered the chance to not tour at all to save anything like this from happening again, but I simply hate letting you down."

Let's hope Adele makes a speedy recovery, so we can continue seeing live performances from one of our favourite artists. Get well soon Adele!

Reported By Rachel Boagey

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