Tuesday 8 November 2011

Nitasha does an Interview with Scarlett a self-confessed drawoholic

Nitasha does an Interview with Scarlett a self-confessed drawoholic, a talented Illustrator, who had also worked on many other creative projects. She talks about her love for moustaches, working with sticky tape as well as answering the oh-so-tricky 'Quick Fire, Nothing To Do With Anything' Round. See how Scarlett gets on..

How would you describe your style of illustration?

As an emerging illustrator I'm still developing my style and finding out what it is for myself but for now I'd say it's cute and loose, I prefer to hand draw and colour rather than work digitally.

If there was anything in the world, or out, that you could draw, what would it be and why?

I'd love to be able to draw bicycles, I am utterly rubbish at drawing them and always have been. I wouldn't say no to an out-of-this-world illustration commission though!

Ultimately, where would you like to see your work?Magazines, books, galleries, posters, fashion. I'd love to have one of my portraits join the collection at the National Portrait Gallery, that would be incredible.

Your blog, Scarlett Rebecca, keeps us up-to-date with your latest news, but you also have information up about fairs, shows, interesting people, random moments in your life like moving house but is there anything you feel is missing from your blog that you would like to add in the future?

I suppose what I'd really like is to have more time to produce my own work to show on my blog. I'd like to show some more of my friends work too and support them.

What's the best thing about having a blog? Is it letting the world know who you are, showing everyone what you can do, another step to world domination?

I love reading other peoples blogs, it makes the internet seem a much friendlier place and all the artists seem more real and approachable. It's just like looking through an artists sketchbook and seeing the process of the work, their inspirations and thoughts, getting a more personal feel for their work. Having an internet presence is so important nowadays!

Why the obsession with moustaches and whose next in your World's Greatest Moustache series?

I am fascinated by moustaches! I think it's because I can't grow one (fingers crossed!) They can be a sculpture on your face, just like you have make-up art, moustaches are an artform! You just have to look at Dali's amazing moustache to see what I mean, Dali is definitely next on the list in the World's Greatest Moustache series.

If you could sneak into any famous person's house while they were sleeping and draw a moustache on them, in a permanent pen, who would that poor, unsuspecting person be?

Haha it would have to be Prince Charles or William, our royalty just don't do 'taches like they used to! (I don't think Harry would suit a moustache..)

Stick figures are the closest interpretation most people will get to when trying to draw a person, you however, obviously have magical powers that allow you to draw people so amazingly. What do you find interesting about drawing people?

(Ha!) I've always been interested in Psychology and the way the mind works, it's said communication is 90% non verbal, the rest is made up by our expressions and body language. When working on a portrait the smallest thing like the angle of an eyebrow or positioning of the lips can completely change the look of a piece and it starts to tell a different story. Which is infuriating if you can't get it right! I just can't get as invested in a still life or a landscape.

You were part of 'Sticky Figures From History' (people from history made from sticky tape), but if there was ONE person, from the past or present, that you could forever keep in sticky tape, who would it be and why?

My favourite figure from that project was definitely children's author and illustrator James Mayhew who I worked with last year on an illustration project in schools which culminated in a gorgeous book of the children's drawings. James is a real inspiration to me, a wonderful illustrator and truly lovely person. As for keeping him in tape I don't know, I was completely covered in tape for that project and it's not the most comfortable of experiences haha

A little birdy told me you like to make delicious cakes of all types. Do you feel edible, cakey illustrations could be the way forward?

I'd love to illustrate a cookery book. Of course I would research the recipes thoroughly and try to capture the flavour in my drawings, especially the chocolatey recipes!

What's on the horizon for Scarlett Rebecca?

At the moment I'm working on two projects for the Letchworth Arts Centre, one working in schools and the other involving community workshops for a 16ft tree sculpture. After that another tree based commission but this time a mural, and hopefully lots of my own work too, I'm always open to new projects and commissions.

Also the T-shirts I designed for Fantastica London (www.fantasticalondon.com) will be available to buy in early July, very excited for that!

What are the different ways for us to stalk you online?

First port of call would be my website www.scarlettrebecca.co.uk to see my portfolio, my website is currently undergoing a revamp so it's not up to date, my new site design will be ready really soon!

Until then you can go to my blog for up to date news and work (and for the more personal feel)blog.scarlettrebecca.co.uk

If you're on facebook my page is facebook.com/scarlettrebecca and if you're on twitter say hello @scarlettrebecca

OK, lets see if your magical drawing powers can keep you safe during the 'Quick Fire, Nothing To Do With Anything' round!!!

Cake or Tea?

Wow that's hard! Um... Tea! There is always time for tea!

I would love to have....(choose name).....draw me.

My favourite illustrator is Julia Pott, I'd love to see her interpretation of me in her character style. My favourite painter is Lucien Freud, to have him paint a portrait of me would be such an honour.

Tom or Jerry?

Jerry, of course.

Song you most like to sing at the top of your lungs to?

I do most of my singing in the car and at the moment it would have to be Seth Lakeman - Hard Working Man, there's a really good bit where you can sing YEEAH really loud!

Breakfast or Dinner?

Mmmm dinner!

What super power would you like to have?

The power to get out of bed in the mornings haha Or to fly!

Santa Claus or Tooth Fairy?

Well my Nan has always said she is the Tooth Fairy so I'll have to go with her.

Five famous people with names beginning with S or R you would love to have a tea party with?

Seth Lakeman, one of my favourite musicians, Stephen Fry, this question is tough so I'm going to sneak in David Bowie using the pseudonym Ziggy Stardust, Rob Ryan the awesome papercut artist and maybe Delia Smith - then we could plan an illustrated cookery book!


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