Tuesday 8 November 2011

An Exclusive Featured Interview with The Very Talented Ronieboe

Harsharan Does An Exclusive Featured Interview with The Very Talented Ronieboe Representing Fam-Life LLC. He talks to us about how he would spend his time writing his Songs Instead of doing his work in class, He also talks about how his 2 daughters influence and motivate him and him being a role model for them. He tells us about his current Exciting Music Mixtape projects as well as his up and coming First Album.... 'A great Read' Enjoy

Q.Tell us about who you are & What you do?

A: My name is Aaron Criss but I go by the stage name of Ronieboe representing Fam-Life LLC. We are currently spreadin across the west coast and down south out of Oakland California and Dallas Texas. I decided to be a rapper my 9th grade year of high school and I would spend classtime writing songs instead of doing work. My music brings a change in the music industry by my excellent performing skills and by setting an example on other upcoming artist and also being a role model by delivering a messaging in my music. I feel my music is different because I don't talk about what you see in music videos I talk about what you go through in everyday life no matter how rich you are.

Q: Describe your Music in 5 words

A: If I would have to describe my music in 5 words I would say my music is creative, energetic, motivating, inspiring, and different from what you hear everyday.

Q: What are your Current projects that you are working on?

A: I have a few projects that I am currently working on such as 2 mixtapes my 1st album and a nationwide compilation with underground artist around the world.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

A: In 5 years I see myself as a nationwide artist in the music industry making hit music that the world would love n will be able to relate to.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?

A: When I need inspiration I just think about where I started at with my music and it pushes me to make steps forward instead of backwards with my music. I also watch a similar artist and point out what I'm doin right and what I can do to be a better artist.

Q: Who would you rather listen to UK or US Music?

A: I would say I would rather listen to US music over UK music I never heard any UK music.

Q:What Artist do you listen to?

A: Artist that I listen to are Young Webbie, Drake, Lil Wayne, T.I, and a few other artist.

Q:Who influences your music?

A: I would say my 2 daughters influence my music because they motivate to never give up and to be that role model that set a perfect example for them in the future.

Q: Please describe your fashion style in 5 words?

A: If I would describe my fashion style in 5 words I would say fresh, mature, original, different, and standsout.

Q: How can people Contact you & Collaborate with you?

A: If you would like to collaborate or follow my music just simply email me at ronieboe@gmail.com or hitme on a social website such as Twitter.com @Ronieboe Facebook.com at Ronieboe Beethadoes www.reverbnation.com/ronieboe YouTube.com search ronieboe or famlifesquad and for booking contact: 510-472-2290 or 510-467-9805.

Thank you for this Exclusive interview. Please be sure to show your Support by Following Ronieboe on Twitter.

Thanks again!

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