Tuesday 8 November 2011

Exclusive Featured Interview with The Very Creative London Rapper Rush

Harsharan Does An Exclusive Featured Interview with The Very Creative London Rapper Rush Music, We talk about his exciting New First Mixtape, Ep and Single, His Fashion Style and Where he sees himself in 5 years time. Happy Reading. Enjoy.

Q.Tell us about who you are & What you do?

A.I Am Rush Music. I'm An Artist / Rapper I Do Urban Music.

Q: Describe your Music in 5 words

A.Life / Amazing / Expercience / Destiny / Home.

Q: What are your Current projects that you are working on?

A.My First Mixtape Called " NOT IN A RUSH " & MyFirst Ep Called " Music Rush " & First Single Title Unkown Yet.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

A.Singed To A Label Or Still Working Hard At Music.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?

A.Just Life It's Self & The People Around Me.

Q: Who would you rather listen to UK or US Music?

A.Now You Have Put Me On The Spot Haha..UK Music All Day.

Q:What Artist do you listen to?

A.Tinchy Stryder.

Q:Who influences your music?

A.No One But Me

Q: Please describe your fashion style in 5 words?

A. Crazy / Madness / OverHead / Streetwear / Just Me.

Q: How can people Contact you & Collaborate with you?

A.Facebook / Twitter / SoundCloud / All At Rush87Music

We hoped you enjoyed this interview Please extend your support by following Rush Music and sharing the love. Thank you for reading. Have a great day.

Harsharan Does an Exclusive Interview with the Dynamic Hip Hop Duo Kose & Earv Legend Together they are The Redland. We Talk about their New Album, their inspiration & why their style makes them 'The Coolest Dudes in The Room' Enjoy, Happy Reading!

Q.Tell us about who you are & What you do?

A. Kose: We're a hip hop duo making music to please the ear and

challenge the mind. We write and produce all of our own material.

Q: Describe your Music in 5 words

A. Earv Legend: Universally Appealing rock inspired Hip-hop.

Q: What are your Current projects that you are working on?

A. Kose: Right now we're working on a new album. We're really trying

to present the full scope of The Redland vision with our new music.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

A. Earv Legend: We plan on competing with the biggest acts in the

music industry. Our overall goal however is to be remembered as a

group that truly inspired people through our music.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?

A. Kose: We're really inspired by a wide range of things. Everything

from classic hip hop, rock and roll, to a good movie inspire us to

make the music we make. Life experience gives us more than enough

material to draw from.

Q: Who would you rather listen to UK or US Music?

A. Earv Legend: That's a good question, I don't believe good music has

any physical borders so I guess it would depend on my mood.

Q:What Artist do you listen to?

A. Kose: There are a lot; but to name a few: Outkast, Nirvana, Bob

Marley, Jay-z, Foo Fighters, Curtis Mayfield, Eminem, Coldplay ...

Q:Who influences your music?

A. Earv Legend: Movies, other musicians, writers, pretty much anyone

who found an artist and entertaining way to bring their audience the


Q: Please describe your fashion style in 5 words?

A. Kose: Coolest dude in the room.

Q: How can people Contact you & Collaborate with you?

A.Earv Legend: We're always on the run, so I guess the best place to

track us down would be online..

Twitter.com/theRedLand or Facebook.com/theRedLand

Website: www.TheRedlandMusic.com

Blog: www.Dontknowwhatitmeans.com

Facebook: www.Facebook.com

Thank you so for your time,Great Interview, Please spread the love everyone by following this Talented Duo.

Harsharan Does An Exclusive Interview with multi talented Rapper & Producer Rhamsis Ali. We Talk about his latest single as well as his remixes for katy Perry, Chris Brown |& Dr Dre to name a few and How music has the ability to change lives an artist defiantly one to watch this year. Enjoy.

Q.Tell us about who you are & What you do?

A. My name is Rhamsis Ali and I am a Hip hop artist from Newark New Jersey. I produce and Rap.

Q: Describe your Music in 5 words


Q: What are your Current projects that you are working on?

A. I am promoting my single "Nunonem4Me", and I am also producing remixes for various Artists, such as, Katy Perry, Chris Brown, and Dr. Dre to name a few.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

A. In 5 years I see myself with at least 3 songs in the Billboard Top 100.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?

A. My source of inspiration has elevated in the past few years. I used to be inspired by the beats, rhymes, and fan reaction, but now I'm inspired by Music's ability to change lives and I concentrate on that.

Q: Who would you rather listen to UK or US Music?

A. I would say Uk hip hop because from my observation, the UK still preserves hip hop's essence. In the US, hip hop is all about "Bragging" and "Imitating".

Q:What Artist do you listen to?

A. My father was a jazz musician, so I mostly listen to Jazz, it keeps me sane, and my creativity infinite.

Q:Who influences your music?

A. Everything and everyone around me influences my music, I wanna make people laugh and feel good when they hear my music.

Q: Please describe your fashion style in 5 words?


Q: How can people Contact you & Collaborate with you?

A. People can contact me on twitter @RhamsisAli or through email @ RhamsisAli@GMail.com

Thank you so Much for reading, Hope you all enjoyed this interview.

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