Tuesday 8 November 2011

Nitasha Does An Exclusive Interview with The Amazing Hayley Scott

Nitasha Does An Exclusive Interview with The Amazing Hayley Scott, who is a Designer, Stylist and Writer on a freelance basis. Her quirky, street wear designs are available to shop online at www.imwiththedesigner.bigcartel.com. Follow her blog, Fashion and Me at hayley-fashionandme.blogspot.com or her website www.hayley-scott.com. Nitasha caught up with her to Talk about her being The Jack(ie) of all trades & bring you this Exclusive Interview. Enjoy!

If you only had 4 words worth of air time on TV to the whole world, to sell your brand, what would be those four amazing words? No pressure.

Check it out yourselves :)

I see you are an ethical designer, what made you go down that route?

I wouldn't say I'm necessarily ethical, I'm just conscientious and try to have everything purchased and made in the UK to reduce my brands carbon footprint etc.. I'd like to be a super sustainable brand one day.

Which ethical designers do you love?

Katherine Hamnett is a personal favourite, she started the slogan tees in the 80s and I can appreciate humour and the use of text in fashion to get messages across.

I can see your sense of humour in your work. I loved your 'BB, Poke, Tweet and Ping me, just don't ever call my phone' t-shirt!!

Thanks, yes, that t-shirt is my humour exactly and there'll be more where that came from!

Your a Jack(ie) of all trades being a designer, stylist and writer, is there anything you can't do?

I can't wink with my left eye only my right.

If you could only continue as a designer, stylist or writer, which would you choose and why?

A writer has much more longevity as a career. When I'm 'so over it darrrling' with the fashion industry I'll still want to be a writer and hopefully have a collection of novels I can share with my grandchildren one day.

What work is coming up for you this year?

As a designer: continuing the expansion of my fashion brand I'M WITH THE DESIGNER, introducing more necklaces, more t.shirts and by 2012 a dress collection. Making the brand really cool and have the right people wear my designs, I love the link with music and fashion and already have a few artists who've purchased and or requested pieces which is great!

As a stylist and writer: as well as freelancing, I'm currently heading up the fashion section of VERGE MAGAZINE, which is alot of work but great fun and an editorial is exactly where I want to be!

oooo a busy time for you then. Can you give us an exclusive to which artists we might see wearing your stuff?

Well Tulisa from N dubz's stylist requested a neckalce recently and also keep an eye on Keri Hilson for when she's over in the UK next.

What do you do when you need some inspiration?

I tear pages out of magazines all the time, and I also carry a notepad/diary with me always to jot down thoughts when they come to me. My ACTUAL memory is like that of a goldfish.

Who in the design world are you inspired by?

The design world? Disney. Does that count?

Yes, it does count and a very good choice. Favourite Disney movie?

A tie between the Lion King and the Little mermaid.

Are you influenced in your work by music, and if so, by who?

Definitely. As a stylist especially. I'll watch music videos and I always think of how I would put outfits together instead and in some cases better.

Go on then, who's music video would you have liked to make better?

Well I'd like to work with Alexandra Burke and newcomer Katy B.

Who has been the most interesting person you've seen wearing your jewellery?

One of my BOSS LADY necklace designs was featured in this month's WONDERLAND MAGAZINE on singer Ruby Goe, that was definitely interesting! (Big smiles)

Who in the celebrity world would you love to see wearing your jewellery and why?

I could definitely see Nicki Minaj wearing a BOSS LADY necklace. I'd love to see Jessie J wearing one of my necklaces and I'd love to see some cool rock bands and hip hop artists wearing my t-shirts.

Ok, now it's time for.....(drum roll)...the 'Quick Fire, Nothing To Do With Anything' round. Hope your ready.

Friday or Saturday?


What's your favourite word?


Sun or snow?


Pretty in pink, or Rockin' out in black?


Is love really in the air or could it be a little bit of smog?

It's all about the LOVE

9am or 9pm?

9pm. I'm a night owl

Will there ever be a time when boys don't have cooties?

Probably not, no

Hansel or Gretel?

Which one was the girl? I'm all about girl power


Follow Hayley on Twitter: @FashionAndMe

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