Tuesday 8 November 2011

Exclusive Interview with Multi Talented Graphic Designer Sam

Nitasha Does An Exclusive Interview with Multi Talented Graphic Designer Sam. Here's a little starter for you before the Main interview.

Smilaman entered the designing world as Lil Smila in 2002 after purchasing a Digital Cam that came with simple editing software. This bloomed his love for designing and after using Photoshop, he developed as a designer. Samilaman now creates Logos, Flyers, Business Cards, Web Graphics and can touch-up photos. His website www.smilamandesigns.com launched in March 2011 with a portfolio of his work.

How would you describe your work?

Contemporary and abstract electronic art for commercial and non commercial use.

You use a lot people in your work, is this the direction you would like to continue in?

100%... the majority of my work can be deemed promotional for DJ’s, producers and artists, as well as flyers for event organisers. The majority of my work has been with friends and their network, however thanks to twitter I am reaching new clients.

I see you have designed CD covers, are you influenced by music?

Heavily; I love music, I need music on while I’m designing to keep me focused and to inspire me. I will listen to an artist’s music to get a feel for the direction their music is going to allow the cover to represent that.

If you could design a CD cover for any musician, who would it be?

See that’s a hard one, because my favourite artist is Nas, but he is very simple and my work is usually quite abstract so would have to be someone like Lil Wayne because no matter what the album title, the cover could be crazy and random.

What is the best software to use when starting in the industry?

If there is access to it then definitely Adobe Photoshop as it is the industry standard, best to get stuck straight in.

What do you do when you need some inspiration?

Unless I am on a tight deadline I try not to look elsewhere for inspiration, I just keep thinking of different ideas that will work for the brief I have been given; so if I have time it may take me a few days to start as I’m a bit of a perfectionist.

Are you influenced by Fashion and if so, who in the industry?

I wouldn’t say I am influenced by fashion, but I would say if I had to name a company my designs may relate to, it would most likely be Ecko due to their abstract designs.

As Ecko already has a rhino as their logo, would you consider using a platypus named Perry as your logo?

Yes because it is very random, I like that idea, a platypus with a massive grin on his face… hmmm might be coming soon.

If you could be the head designer of any company, which would it be and why?

Well it might not be deemed a “company” but Cash Money Records due to the number of artists I would be designing CD covers, promotional posters and banners and my work would be viewed worldwide.

If there was one person in the world you could design for, who would it be and why?

I would actually say 50 Cent, because his business empire seems to be always growing so I would love to be part of that; in the music part and also his other business ventures

Which five celebrities would you like to have on your client list?

Chipmunk, Skepta, Nicki Minaj, Lil Wayne, Theo Papthitis… the artists due to their popularity at the moment and Theo because he has a lot of business opportunities to put my name on.

If Photoshop went down and robots ruled the world making it impossible to use computers, how would you design?

I would trick the robots into creating my designs, if not then pencil and paper, and I would hire someone to do the colouring/shading.

Which one piece of work from history would you have loved to design?

The cover to Michael Jackson - Thriller, bestselling album of all time is why.

Did Michael Jackson’s death affect you/your work and if so, how?

I would have to honestly say I don’t think it did but maybe the lack of new inspirational music may affect my work.

How can we connect with you and your work?

www.smilamandesigns.com or follow me @smilamandesigns

Ok, hope you’re ready for my ‘Quick Fire, Nothing To Do With Anything’ Round.

Left or right?


Can you speak any other language?

no but understand Twi (Ghanian)

Sweet or savoury?


Can you tell us a joke?

A magician was driving down the road... then he turned into a drive way...


What’s your favourite pick-up line?

Hmmm… don’t have a favourite but funniest: I have skittles in my mouth… want to taste the rainbow?

I love that!

Cat or dog?


Super Mario or Sonic the Hedgehog?

Super mario

Ghosts or aliens?



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