Tuesday 8 November 2011

Exclusive Interview with The Very Talented Alex Browning

Nitasha Does an Exclusive Interview with The Very Talented Alex Browning who is a Director and Performer, his talent has already been recognised as a Rare Raising Star at the House of Commons and won awards including an award at the Black Youth Achievements . He's been working on stage and screen all while studying at the University of Manchester. Alex directed a 3rd camera unit at the music video of UK Rapper Giggs for his song Monsta Man. He is currently working on a string of music videos and films and I'm sure we will see lots more of him in the future. Here's the interview.

How did you get started as a Director and Performer?

Directing: I started off running on commercials and music videos and then had the opportunity to direct a few last year and it hasn't stopped since then.

Performing: I guess I started from a young age then left it for a while then after being told about an audition for a young acting company, CYAC (Contact's Young Acting Company) it's all taken off from there.

What's your favourite part of performing?

Becoming completely taken over by the character.

As a performer, do you have any weird rituals to combat nerves?

I scream at myself in the mirror .

Which director inspires you?

Spike Jonze

If you could have directed any movie/tv show from the past which would it have been and why?

Black Swan - great story, innovative direction and powerful performances.

Which actor do you feel is on top form right now?

Natalie Portman

Which genre of music do you personally like to work on?

Anything that's different and is challenging either lyrically or musically.

If you could work on any artists music video, whose would it be and why?

Michael Jackson.

You've picked up many skills such as Taekwon-do, circus aerial and my favourite, clowning. Could you also been know as a flying, karate chopping clown?


Tell us something funny that happened to you while clowning.

I made someone laugh.

You've won many awards recognising your talent including the Arts Award at the Black Youth Achievements, but lets see if you could win the award* for the best answer-giver in the 'Quick Fire, Nothing To Do With Anything' round.

(*no award actually given)

Here goes.....

Favourite animal?


Tattoo or piercing?


What would you do with a million trillion bazillion pounds?

Buy the moon.

Favourite superhero power?


Fog or rain?


Poof! I'm a genie. Your 3 wishes are?

World Peace

A nice glass of milk

And to be able to fly

I have never.......

Had an interview like this...

Halloween or Easter?


You can keep up-to-date with Alex and check out his work at: http://www.alexbrowning.tv/

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