Monday 10 September 2012

Help Stop The Theft of Music Written By - DJ GOSH FIRE

DON’T LET ANYONE copy, share, burn, rip, upload, sideload, re-distribute, duplicate, or otherwise infringe upon our copyrighted recordings and intellectual property. It’s okay to put our CDs on your personal iPod, but please don’t let our albums be copied by friends or family. These days, we’re really trying to prevent unauthorized duplication,filesharing, and music piracy, and you can help. The unauthorized copying and distribution of songs is just plain wrong, and it really hurts and makes it financially impossible for some musicians to record their albums.Giving away music for free does NOT result in more CD sales for some or all musicians; it just takes money away from bands, and makes it impossible for some bands to stay in business. That’s not fair or cool at all. Is it okay to sneak into a movie theater without paying, as long as you tell other people how great the movie was? Of course not.
This is the real and serious consequence of music piracy and illegal downloading. Yes, the internet can be a source of great exposure, and artists appreciate people spreading the word. But stealing is NOT an acceptable way to promote music or anyone’s music. A better idea…just TELL your friends about an artist that you like, let them LISTEN to one of that artist’s CDs, but THEN tell them to PLEASE GO BUY that ARTIST’s OWN CD. The albums of the artists or musicians are theirs; they created them, they own them, and they are allowing you the people to enjoy their work on the condition that you pay a purchase price. There are real costs associated with recording, producing, manufacturing, and distribution, and all musicians or artists have to sell as many CDs as possible just to break even. They don’t want a huge profit; they aren’t in this business to get rich. They just want to earn enough money to continue making more new albums for you the crowd to enjoy. All Musicians they do what they do because they love the idea, they love the music, but most of all, they love the fans who “get it” and support them the musicians or artists with their loyalty and integrity. So, please keep supporting the musicians, artists by respecting their hard work, and by making sure you aren’t participating in or enabling the crime of stealing music. If you’re gonna steal something, we recommend you and all musicians go after gasoline, pharmaceuticals, and patio furniture. That stuff is overpriced!
We and I believe all musicians love loyal fans, and want to continue making new CDs for fans that are loyal because they are the ones who will always understand, support and buy cds to make the musician they like to continue his work and what he is supposed to do as a musician. Help all musicians in the fight against music piracy. MUSIC PIRACY is illegal. Treat your new CD like a valuable treasure; you paid for it, so, let’s make sure no one else gets it for free!
Thank anyone in advance who would read my entire article and invite other people to read it as well. Because those of you that will read this blog carefully and pass it to others it means that you support ANTI-PIRACY AND THAT YOU ARE LOYAL & TRUSTWORTHY.


SINCE 2010

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