Wednesday 9 November 2011




Genres: Pop


A hard-working singer for over 10 years, Canadian soloist Vijay Mohan presents himself as VEEJ, a musician recognized for his stunning voice (but not stunningly bad, mind you). VEEJ performs in a pop/rock style, with a strong, mature voice that seems to come from someone older and larger than himself.

VEEJ has, until recently, built his vocal style from scratch. Inspired by singers including Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Tom Jones, Josh Groban, and many others, VEEJ developed his own brand of vocal technique that is both markedly different from most pop artists and very marketable at the same time.

Ever looking to improve his craft, VEEJ has been training in traditional opera technique with renowned vocal coach Mary-Lou Vetere for the past year. Vetere, who normally only coaches university-trained singers, says VEEJ has learned very quickly, vocally rivaling her more senior students in mere months.

VEEJ has also co-written and recorded a professional single with Toronto-based producer Mark Zubek, who has shown both surprise and satisfaction with VEEJ's professionalism and both vocal and lyrical skill.

VEEJ is also a graduate from Ryerson University's School of Journalism. He had a short-lived hobby of nit-picking TV broadcasters' choices of camera shots in their newscasts (you put a close-up THERE?), but has put his journalistic pursuits on hold to focus on his singing instead. He has a number of friends in the Canadian media, and has, at times, been in the same room as prominent politicians and athletes (they were like, RIGHT THERE). He can also, on occasion, be said to have a sense of humour.

VEEJ, with confidence in his ability, hopes to be signed by a record label as a solo artist in the near future.

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