Tuesday 8 November 2011

Exclusive and very special interview with one of the most inspirational Fashion Stylist in The Business Mr Andrew Clancey

Harsharan Brings you an Exclusive and very special interview with one of the most inspirational Fashion Stylist in The Business Mr Andrew Clancey. His Work includes; Styling the iconic uk bands Stereophonics, Catatonia, & Steps. As well as Being the styling director for Peaches Geldof & Daisy Lowe. This is just a small fraction of his work for his full portfolio click here http://www.clangerstyle.com/

We Talk Shop (His Brand New Boutique), Bowie & The Highlights of his Career so far.

Between London, New York & L.A he kindly gave us some of his time so that we could give you this exclusive interview. We hope you enjoy it!

H. Who is your style Icon?

A. David Bowie

H. Describe your own style in 5 words?

A. Colourful, Eccentric, Fitted, Fun, English

H. I know that your styling career began in London in 2000 and since then you have done a range of styling work from Film, Music, Fashion to Editorial, But what has been the highlight of your career thus far?

A. Doing Blue Peter with Liberty X , got a badge! The Mahogany hair shows I have done have been pretty amazing, nearly 500,000 people see each show all over the world and I provide 30 + cutting edge looks for each show.

H. What advice would you give someone wanting to become a stylist?

A. Have some money to support yourself assisting for a year as it's unpaid generally. Be on time, don't lose things and although a creative input is appreciated let the stylist do their thing. Your time will come

H. What is your next project, that we can look forward to?

A. I have opened a Uk designer store in the Lower East http://www.anyoldiron.net/

We would like to say a big thank you to Andrew for his time and sharing his words of inspiration with us. Thank you so much x

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