Monday 7 November 2011

Angie Blue Music- This Weeks Harsh.TV' s Weekly Hotspot

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This Weeks Harsh.TV' s Weekly Hotspot
Angie Blue Music
I'm delighted to say that since my first post, there have been over 80 song downloads from my BandPage, an overwhelming increase from previous weeks. The downloaded mp3s went to some very lucky music lovers as now they are no longer free. I'm offering 100% of all money raised from my my music from 1st November 2011 to 1st March 2012 to raise funds for War Child UK and War Child International. Total proceeds from my vibedeck within this time frame will be split 50/50 between the two charities.

I'd like to share with you the demographics of my facebook music page, to let you know just how much I appreciate the following I have gained so far.

I'm also looking for a London Based Drummer and Bass Player to start turning my music from solo acoustic to Heavy Blues Rock. With this band I aim to capture the hearts of Londoners and the UK, and then the World.

The musicians don't have to be professionals, I'm keen to meet two mature students, who study music and are interested in humanitarian issues. With my band I aim to continue raising money for War Child, whilst making some awesome rock music.

Please check out my new info page for more details.

I'll be offering special edition digital downloads and CDs to pledgers who support my campaign from build through to launch and completion.

And not forgetting a special thank you to the first 500 followers to sign up to my pledge account.

I'll leave you with a song from my soundcloud


This track was recently played by Tom Robinson on BBC6 Music's Fresh On The Net.

Music Peace and Love to all at Harsh TV x x

NotePeaceRed heart

Angie Blue x

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  1. I'm delighted to announce my first follower D'in Cheung!__main

    D'in is a Rock Star of the Highest Calibre and I aim to introduce D'in to Harsharan, so watch this space.
