Sunday, 11 September 2011

Exclusive Interview with The Very Talented Jimmy Valentine

Harsharan Does an Exclusive Interview with The Very Talented Jimmy Valentine, we talk about influences, inspirations, The Current project which involves 'Pink's Drummer and 'Donna Sommer's Base player. Find out more a great interview and a great read... Enjoy!

Q.Tell us about who you are & What you do?
I'm just another musical artist striving to make cool music. I was fortunate enough to have worked with Sky Saxon for a while and Sky taught me not to worry about making music I think people "want" to hear. Instead he showed me the importance of making music people need to hear. I really try to make music with a point.

Q: Describe your Music in 5 words
Thought provoking magick musical journeys

Q: What are your Current projects that you are working on?
Currently I am working on a project with Mark Schulman (Pink's drummer) and John Billings (Donna Sommers' bass player), for release next year sometime. I also have a track or two on the up-coming Sky Saxon tribute CD being released by his label. I run the Hoodilidoo music festival and recently I was awarded an endorsement from Steve Clayton Guitar picks.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Producing and making music!

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?
I get inspiration mostly from my own experiences. But I draw from a lot of other places as well like the news and old black and white movies.

Q: Who would you rather listen to UK or US Music?
Boy that's a tough one! If it's any indication, I prefer American guitars and British amplification. I play a 1982 G&L SC2 guitar and a Vox amp. I like music from all over the world.

Q:What Artist do you listen to?
Right now I am really into obscure 70's power rock. Stuff like Lucifer's Friend, Captain Beyond, Cactus, Amon Dull, Aorta and stuff like that.

Q:Who influences your music?
Sky Saxon is a huge influence on me as well as Ricky Nelson and Donovan. Hendrix and Zappa with Frank Marino are very influential as well. Jerry Lee Lewis too since I got my first music lesson ever from him.

Q: Please describe your fashion style in 5 words?
1972- stoner -rocker-hippie-cool

Q: How can people Contact you & Collaborate with you?
You can dig on my music books DVDs and such at
I love you whoever you are!

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