Sunday, 11 September 2011

Exclusive Interview with The Gifted Michael Annotti

Harsharan Does An Exclusive Interview with The Gifted Michael Annotti, We talk about his Music, Inspirations, influences & Why he is in need of an endorsement!!! as we as his Current projects... find out more.. A great Read.

Q.Tell us about who you are & What you do?
A. I am Michael Annotti, I create music for the soul with the intention of bringing more love into the world. I am a lead vocalist of my own band, also play keyboard and guitar.

Q: Describe your Music in 5 words
A. music to uplift the people.

Q: What are your Current projects that you are working on?
A. Currently I am writing as well as performing, and plan to record a new double album this winter.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
A. I see myself performing at major entertainment events worldwide.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?
A. My Inspiration comes from knowing the power that positive music and lyrics can have on the life of millions of people, I am dedicated to doing my best at creating uplifting and conscious vibes to inspire the hearts of humanity to love.

Q: Who would you rather listen to UK or US Music?
A. I listen to positive vibes only no matter where it comes from or was created, UK or US or JA.

Q:What Artist do you listen to?
A. I love Artists who are real and true to themselves.

Q:Who influences your music?
A. My influences in music come from listening to Artists that are telling the truth in their lyrics, and letting you know that your not the only one who is feeling the way you feel. Music that lifts my heart is what I get inspired by the most, there are far to many Artists to mention them individually.

Q: Please describe your fashion style in 5 words?
A. I seek a fashion endorsement.

Q: How can people Contact you & Collaborate with you?
A. / call direct and leave voicemail 831-245-8482 Annotti Music

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