Thursday 14 July 2011

Let James Introduce you to 'Puppet Cell'

Puppet Cell

Formed in 2009 Puppet Cell are the world’s premier underground super group. It is only through their own extensive efforts that they have managed to remain so convincingly below the radar. Skilfully taking influences from every rock and metal act you’ve ever liked, they offer a sound that is both current and classic.

‘Puppet Cell? They’re awesome! You need them in your life more than you need me – you just don’t know it yet” - God

Our detailed Bio is:

Puppet Cell was originally conceived by Paul Wray (Drummer and Professional Drum Tutor) and a student of his Andy Deans (Guitar) over a period of months in late 2008. Both were accomplished musicians with a lot of influences in common and they set about creating a sound and direction that neither had satisfactorily explored in their previous bands. During this time the bare bones of the early Puppet Cell tunes were recorded but soon they realised they needed a full band to play them. After a long process of elimination Paul finally brought together the remaining members of the band at his home studio in early autumn of the following year.

From his previous band (Acropolis) he recruited Scott Williamson (Guitar) a solid riff smith with an ear for detail, razor sharp timing and who's straight ahead no nonsense grinding sound and technique complemented Andy's technical yet not impersonal shredding.

To fill the role of of vocalist, they needed a true front man, an emissary of doom to unleash their new sound on an unsuspecting world. Paul and Andy looked to the towering form of Pete Burden, a skilled singer; who's soulful voice is said to have the ability to both maim and heal. Pete's combination of talent and charisma call to mind the great front men of another time and all of his performances are sincere and compelling. Over the years Pete had been in bands with both founding members and now finally the timing was right to do something together.

To complete the rhythm section a bassist was required, someone with an almost psychic link to the drummer, who could lock in with the beats, bind the grooves together and lay down a canvas on which the other elements could shine...that proved too hard to find so instead Paul called in Rob Sutton (Bass) former Malakai front man, owner of a bass guitar and father of one of his students.

The chemistry between the musicians was instantaneous and the creative flood gates opened. Rather than bulking out a set with cover versions, the band decided to hone their craft in the studio, writing new songs together then scrutinising and developing them. A gestation period of 8 months was agreed, 8 months to write a set full of songs, rehearse and perfect the tunes. To avoid one of the notorious pitfalls of originals bands, Facebook and Myspace pages were created to give people the chance to familiarise themselves with some of the material before the live performances.

Everything was in place, excitement was growing as the date for the debut gig approached. Music history was to be reshaped and a new bench mark was about to be created.

Then disaster struck...Andy's personal circumstances nose dived and he was faced with no choice but to quit the band. Dark times for all involved, one of the two pillars upon which Puppet Cell was founded was missing and the whole thing now seemed in danger of collapsing but what was once a couple of friends part time project now had a will and a life of it's own. The four remaining members agreed that to quit now would be unthinkable and they ransacked their address books for a suitable replacement to Andy.

Those were big shoes to fill and a number of candidates were rumoured but to no avail then when all seemed lost a message appeared on our Facebook page from a young highly gifted guitarist called Adi Hughes. He was new to the area (but not the scene) and offered to come and audition. A recent graduate of The Institute of Contemporary Music Performance, Adi was in the process of setting up shop as a Professional Guitar Tutor and was keen to get back out on the circuit. His abilities and sound slotted straight in and the finally the line up was stable and the beast was back on track. New material started coming from all members and rehearsals and gig offers came thick and fast.

The stage is set, the amps are primed, come and be part of the next chapter of the Puppet Cell biography....

This Band was Bought & Reported To you by James Monk

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