Saturday, 10 December 2011

Brand New Exclusive Interview with The Very Talented I AM slatiTheRevo

Harsh.TV Does An Exclusive Interview with The Very Talented I AM slatiTheRevo, We talk Inspiration, Influences and Current Music Projects. A Great Interview.

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Q. Tell us about who you are & what you do?
I AM IslatiTheRevo: which is someone that I have become, over the years, not just a name that I made up for stage appeal. I am a physical and mental the representation of who I AM - which is comprised of who I don’t want to be and who I ought to be and you can hear that realism and idealism in my music. People are starting to ask me what the meaning of the name is: it means Isolated Revolution - one person trying to change the world. And that's what I do: try to change hearts and minds one verse at a time.

Q: Describe your Music in 5 words
Good People Stick Together...EXCLAMATION

Q: What are your Current projects that you are working on?
I have a few going on right now. I’m working on collaborating with other artists for their projects. I just finished a verse for Intalect - a local Colorado Springs artist from Untamed. That song is going to be massive! I'm wrapping up a heart-felt song with another local artist, Mike Ball. I'm also on the Board of Directors for a group called the "Poetry 719" which will eventually (hopefully) become a non-profit organization. We're basically on some 'operation take-over' type of mentality so that the money we make can then be funneled into developing and helping our community. Even though I’m not from Colorado Springs, there are a bunch of good people who need help here. I don't focus on where I'm from; I focus on where I am. Lastly, I’m working on an 8 - 9 song Album all produced by local producer/DJ and abstract artist, Tall City. It's going to be a something to be proud of for both of us. Hopefully the people are willing to listen and hear the passion from a hip-hop lyricist and hip-hop producer. Tall City is so hip-hop, he uses vinyl samples...and yes, the "cooking bacon" sound is included. That album (untitled as of now) will be release January 24th, 2012...if the world is still around. (laugh).

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Honestly, I can't see that far. I was never the 5-year plan type of individual. I'm going to continue to plant good seeds, keep my grass cut and attract good people. I don't know where or how far this music thing is going, but as long as I continue to make progress and touch the hearts of the people, that is good enough for me.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?
My inspiration mainly comes from the fact that I MUST write or I will go crazy. I'm not that well of a communicator so I don't just air my problems out. When I was younger I developed a nervous stomache and my hair started falling out all because I didn't talk about my problems. So, it's natural that my inspiration also comes from my battle with my own humanity and my strive for perfection... that's like oil and water so it has to come out one way or another. My inspiration also comes from years of watching "bad things" happen to good people while watching the snakes get ahead; watching our collective moral compass as it does a 180; watching our own egos ruin everything around us; watching our sense of community become non-existent; watching "Big brother" watch me. I guess change is part of my inspiration. I decided to be part of the solution, not the problem.

Q: Who would you rather listen to UK or US Music?
I haven't really exposed myself to UK music, not because I don’t want to, but it’s hard to find new music when I have a family, 9 - 5 job, going to school full-time, doing shows, and writing songs. HOWEVER, US music has really been pissin' me off lately. The music industry needs to be nuked and re-built from scratch... or maybe the fans need to stop being so sheepish...either/or.

Q: What Artist do you listen to?
Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Common, Nas, Jadakiss, Luda, Canibus, TI, Drake, Dave Matthews Band, Nirvana, Cold Play, Def Tones, Luther Vandross, Frank Sinatra...the list goes on and on...

Q: Who influences your music?
My influences are KRS 1, Rakim, Pete Rock and CL, Jay-Z, Black Starr, Nas, 8-ball and MJG, Oukast, Frankie Beverley and Maze...that list can go on too.

Q: Please describe your fashion style in 5 words?
Definitely Not Skinny Jeans... EXCLAMATION. ( but for real though.)


Q: How can people Contact you & Collaborate with you?
Poetry 719 @ Facebook


  1. Great review. NOW GO GET HIS MUSIC AND BE BLOWN AWAY.I am older yet not getting the tools I needed.When I put in this young man's cd it did'nt come out of my car.So POWERFUL I had to hit rewind. Some will take him as "over confident". DON'T GET IT TWISTED.. LISTEN....This is a humble dude when there are events and their is another artist featuring. STORM

  2. continued... when other artists are features. He won't bring his cd's. I asked him why? He said it't their night. When he does have them he does not price them, he say's "donations"! MAD RESPECT. GET IT REVO! GPST/STORM

  3. So real! So true...powerful, insightful voice of definition that should not be denied. I have been privileged to hear him bless the mic and with each venture he has truly been a delight. His words speak truth offering you something to think about and questioning yourself, "now what am I going to do?" orientated, a man with a vision, who knows what needs to be done and yet keeps his priorities in check. Again (mos def) worth the time to be heard! Great interview indeed!
