Tuesday 8 November 2011

Nitasha does an exclusive interview with the multi-talented Nancy Beverly

Nitasha does an exclusive interview with the multi-talented Nancy Beverly who is a model, singer, song writer and as if that's not enough, she's also an up-and-coming actor. At the moment she's working on a pilot being shot in Miami, as well working on her modelling career. We talk about working with her pet snake (!), British designers, and which male actor she would choose to star with her in a chick flick. Watch out for Nancy Beverly, I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot from her in the future, but for now check out her interview and how well she done on the 'Quick Fire, Nothing To Do With Anything' round :)

You're originally from Florida, have you had to opportunity to come work in the UK?

No I haven't yet, but I'd love to!

You've done many shoots with the amazing fashion photographer Jenya Kushir, what is it like working with him?

It's wonderful. He's a very talented photographer and since we've worked so much together it's a very easy and fun atmosphere for me and for him. We both know what the other likes and we both know the images will come out fantastic in the end!

You got to work with a snake on a previous shoot, but is there any animal you would never like to work with?

Yes, the snake is my pet. There are only 2 animals I wouldn't touch if you paid me a million dollars: a spider and a shark. Ewwwwww and omg scary. LOL

Orlando and Palm Beach have been some of the locations you've worked at but where's been the most exciting location you've worked?

I would have to say the bikini shoot at Don Cesar with Ocean Front Magazine. It is a gorgeous resort with some of the best makeup artists I've ever worked with. There were tons of people there on the beach and they stopped to watch the shoot and formed a large crowd around us. It was a lot of fun.

If you were to come work in the UK for one shoot, which British designer would you like to work with and why?

Stella McCartney, because I believe in supporting other independent women who are creative and doing their own thing women and I think her designs are decadent.

As well as being a model, you're also an Actor, Singer and Songwriter, are you working on any projects at the moment?

Yes I am always working on my acting and practicing and I am booked for Magic City, a pilot being filmed in Miami. Filming should start the 2nd week of July. I am always producing songs and writing lyrics when I can. I mostly do this as a hobby, not for a career.

Describe your music in 6 words.

Dramatic, Deep, Emotional, LOVE, Betrayal, Heartache.

Are there any famous songwriters that you look up to?

Natasha Bedingfield. She is a singer and a songwriter and writes most of her songs. I love her upbeat lyrics and songs and whenever Im sad I put on "pocketful of sunshine" and sing away. :)

Which actor would you love to work with and why?

This is a hard one... there are a ton I'd like to work with. However, I think my top would be Anthony Hopkins. He is an incredible actor and I would be honored to work with him. He above all other actors I've watched, can bring you to a depth of emotion and make you sink into his eyes like no other. He truly brings great depth to his characters and you believe HE is that person in that moment.

If you were in a chick flick, which male actor would you like to work with?

If I had to kiss the guy I'd pick Gerard Butler. If I didn't, I'd pick Johnny Depp. :)

What are the different ways for us to keep up-to-date with you and your work?

The best way is through my fan page which I update daily: www.facebook.com/nancybeverlymodel. The second best would be my website: www.nancybeverly.com

I think it's now time for your close up during the 'Quick Fire, Nothing To Do With Anything' round.

Ben and Jerry's or Haagen Dazs?

Ben and Jerry's Half Baked Cookie Dough!!! Yummy. : )

Favourite colour?


Quiet night in or A mad night out?

Quiet night in

Most embarrassing thing to happen during a shoot?

Oh... I cant tell you that. LOL Its THAT bad.

Heels or Flats?


Can you speak any other language?

I'm learning Russian. : )

Heroine or Hero?


In 5 years time, I want to be able to..........?

Retire... haha don't we all? No, I'd like to be on the cover of a famous magazine.

Horror or Comedy?


I have a huge crush on this celebrity..........?

NONE to be honest. Fame doesn't phase me and I don't find any of them particularly attractive.

Aeroplane or Boat?


In the future, I wish they would invent.........?

Space travel for the everyday citizen... I want to visit different planets... while they're at it they should just start building cities on other planets and making them habitable for humans. Instead of wanting to visit Hawaii.. I can say.. hey lets take a vacation on Mars! :)


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