Thursday 3 November 2011

Harsh.TV Presents Paul Bailey's Weekly Hotspot Feature

P Bailey_Macking 3.jpg

Gratitude lots of gratitude today!
Be grateful for all that you have for more will come to you!

I am grateful that David Lydiard of Beautifully Distorted records was able to
master my tracks under suspicious circumstances. You can check David out here for any of your mastering needs.

Grateful for Harsharan for giving me a weekly spot light much appreciated!

Grateful for those who believe in me and want to see me succeed you know who you

This is a special gratitude for my friend In Ilford Essex UK
for your kindness and generosity this song is dedicated
to Crystal Janet Greene:

Just received the official contract from JPMC the Japanese company
that is hosting my tracks on their website a sort of I tunes for the
Japanese consumer I am grateful and hope it is successful!

I am always on the look out for Music Agents,
Catalog owner looking for Broker for Midem & Midem net for deals

1. An International licensing agreement,

2. A sub-publishing agreement,

3. A distribution agreement

4. A digital rights management agreement for my company and / or artists.

contact info

Review: P Bailey - Find Me Somebody [- Hide]

Wildy's World

2009, P Bailey

Montreal's Paul Bailey is a purveyor of highly produced, electronic pop that ranges from mellow ballads to mid-tempo dance music. Originally from the UK, Bailey found his love of music early on. His latest release, Find Me Somebody, is a hybrid of R&B and electronic music forms.

Opening track Mystery is firmly ensconced in synthesizer and electronic effects. P Bailey even gives his voice the full electronic effect. It's a marriage of organic and electronic where electronic is the dominant partner. The song itself is good Pop/R&B, the arrangement is bit divorced from the human component but still has a lot of life. The remix of Find Me Somebody has more energy and drive and a real club like groove. Beautiful (Marlon G'z Buzz Mix) is designed for the dance club, and may find a lot of play there. Part Of Me (Smooth Vocal Mix) is the first track on the album that sounds real or alive .. P Bailey's vocals here sounds like he's feeling what he's singing.

Melody is built around an interesting piano line, but once again the technology takes over and the artist becomes a little lost in it but a brilliant song nevertheless! Bailey hits a little closer to home on I Want U and It's All That . Find Me Somebodyshows some talent for production, the compositions come across as real and full of life. A beautiful Marriage of Personality and Technology!

Rating: 3.5 Stars (Out of 5)

You can learn more about P Bailey at You can download Find Me Somebody at

Posted by Wildy at 5:00 AM 0 comments

Labels: Motown, P Bailey, Paul Bailey, Stevie Wonder

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