Thursday 10 November 2011

Harsh.TV Does An Exclusive Interview with the very talented Yogi

Harsh.TV Does An Exclusive Interview with the very talented Yogi
We talk, Influences, Inspiration, Current Music Projects and not to forget the all important Fashion Style.
A Great Interview!

Q.Tell us about who you are & What you do?
A. Music has always been a passion for Yogi ever since he can remember himself.
At the age of 9 Yogi got his own synthesizer keyboard and started messing around with melodies and sounds. At the age of 13 he picked up a pair of drumsticks and was immediatly hooked ...

... He joined his first band as a drummer at the age of 14 and spent his spare time practicing and touring with several bands later on - winning several "young-bands competitions".
His musical career came to an abrupt stop when he was drafted to the Israeli Army and served there for 4 years - During which he started researching the realm of computer music production.

After leaving the Army, Yogi went travelling and discovered the bustling Thailand dance music and party scene of the summer of 2000.
After returning from his travels and starting his Physics and Electrical Engineering studies at University, Yogi started assembling a bedroom studio and started producing music (Using FruityLoops & Cakewalk at the time)

During the following years, Yogimeister worked in certain isolation - Developing unique blends of sounds and styles in a vast range of styles (From Classical and Ambient -through Dub and Jazz - to Trance, Rock, Industrial and D&B).
His works included original songs, remixes and mastering work - along with some DJ, stage and commercial soundtrack work.

Up to the year 2008 Yogimeister has won several remix contests and has appeared in several compilations - Including being selected as FOEM's "Artist of the month" but has chosen to stay underground and abide his time... but no longer.

2009 sees a new phase in Yogimeister's musical career with the long anticipated release of a Double-CD ("N.A.S.H.A. Control" & "A Whole Lotta Soul") and several new remixes to artists like Astrix, Coolooloosh, Subliminal, Kasha and more.

Yogimeister is also working on a new live show combining live performance using computers and players alongside Visual performances for the club and outdoor scene.

Q: Describe your Music in 5 words
A: Thought Provoking, Uplifting, Curagious and Experimental

Q: What are your Current projects that you are working on?
A: I am currently getting my music organized for the official pressing of 2 debut CDs. I am also working on several projects under different "Stage names" such as Psy-Step and Psyber-Attack
(DubStep, Trance and TranceHall) and I am also working on new "Yogimeister" Material which is a little more "Techno-ish".
I am also setting up my label "PsyberSpace Networks" (Alongside my day-job as a Physics Engineer) - so I am very busy ...
Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
A: I hope to be a prominent producer, producing original music in several genres under several artist names and also collaborting with other artists, remmixing and producing new and old talents.
Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?
A: The usual - Life and music ... I love to listen to all kinds of music and Live life with all the spectrum of feelings and adventures it has to offer us...
Q: Who would you rather listen to UK or US Music?
A: I like both ... I think that they are two distinct flavors (Although there is quite a bit of crossovers) but I like the productions coming out of the States - while the UK has some more cutting underground activity and sometimes blows me away in terms of new styles and directions. I wouldn't want to live with just one ... I enjoy them both.
Q:What Artist do you listen to?
A: Skrillex for his slick new production methods, FloRida for the nice grooves and melodies, I love alot of Jamaican/Roots/Dancehall artists and of course the usual top hitmakers ... there is just alot of great music out there ... Just turn on MTV or VH1 and 1 out of 5 or 10 songs is a wonderful hit ... I like of old-time classics as well ... I am not just after the "Newest track" ... For example - Cyndie Laupers "Into the NightLife" ... which I heard playing on VH1 a few weeks ago ... classic, but always fun to listen to.

Q:Who influences your music?
A: All the artists above and some underground and innovative artists. I also like alot of Trance music (Which is not so prominant on the Music channels) but has alot of production and melodic content to it ... not to mention spoken-word samples - which I really like to hear encorporated wisely in songs.
Q: Please describe your fashion style in 5 words?
A: Casual, Smart, Sport-Elegant and comfortable.
Q: How can people Contact you & Collaborate with you?
A: Just beep me via my Facebook page ( ) or SoundCloud ( ) There is also my MySpace page ( ) Although I don't use it as much these days ... There is also my LinkedIn profile for those who are more business oriented .... The main thing I am looking for right now is help with PR and Promotion - just like your Website ... Thank You Harsh.TV ! ;) <3

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