Wednesday 9 November 2011

Harsh.TV Does An Exclusive Interview with The Very Gifted Chris Cape


Harsh.TV Does An Exclusive Interview with The Very Gifted Chris Cape, he is a very talented individual, We talk Inspiration, Influences, Current Projects & Find Out Just what he Means, when he says ''Whatever I'm feeling like now'' A very Inspirational read.

Q.Tell us about who you are & What you do?

I'm Chris Cape. I make futuristic space rap music.

Q: Describe your Music in 5 words

Futuristic Fly Shit. (only 3 necessary)

Q: What are your Current projects that you are working on?

I'm producing a live performance video featuring me in a Russian Cosmonaut outfit playing songs in an empty church. I in concept value, slick rhymes, nice keyboards. You digg?

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Pyramid Stage. Glastonbury.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?
Music, Movies, Girls, Life, Friends...everything is inspiration.
Q: Who would you rather listen to UK or US Music?
Depends on what genre or era. Progressive rock of the late 60s and 70s is all about the UK scene. Hip Hop has always been stronger in the US.
Q:What Artist do you listen to?
I absorb music like a sponge. I just consume it in huge quantities so it's hard to narrow it down to much. The big ones are Kanye West, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, Grandaddy etc

Q:Who influences your music?

My dad played a big part on my musically development as he is a dope ass classical musician. But most things have an influence on my music. If I read a book chances are that same day a lyric will be inspired by something I read. Kanye West makes me want to write more and more...recently GZA has got me more and more into word play. As far as the musical side of the tunes go I'm always dipping in to the older stuff like Bowie, Pink Floyd, Yes. So much you can draw from with those guys. I'm also very concept driven, I like stories behind the music, characters, outfits etc. most of that comes from Bowie.

Q: Please describe your fashion style in 5 words?
Whatever I'm feeling like now.

Q: How can people Contact you & Collaborate with you? - all the contacts are available on the site.

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