Friday 4 November 2011

Breaking Dawn Trailer...(Goosebumps!)

Breaking Dawn Trailer...(Goosebumps!)

It has to be said, Breaking Dawn looks.... incredible!
The Twilight Saga has been an obsession of mine for a few years now, and since I watched the first film, I have bought all the DVD's, t-shirts, mugs (Yes, mugs!) and anything else they possibly sell with Edward's gorgeous face on it!
The Twilight Saga is, however, coming to an end, (wipe tears) but luckily, the last instalment of the films is split into two parts, just like Harry Potter and the Deatlhy Hallows (another one of my favourites!) So, for us lucky fans, Twilight isn't quite over yet, and the splitting up of Breaking Dawn into two parts will make it last just that little tiny bit longer! The only negative? We have to wait to see Part 2! (As if we haven't been waiting long enough for this film?!)
Enough of my complaining, as you can tell, I am a dedicated Twilight fan, and even if you aren't, watching the trailer above may just convert you!
I was convinced that Eclipse was the best Twilight film, but am I going to be proven wrong? We will have to wait and see, but not for long! Breaking Dawn Part 1 is out in cinemas on the 17th November.
If the tickets are sold out, it's probably because I bought them all!

Reported by Rachel Boagey

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