Monday, 12 September 2011

Harsh.TV Does An Exclusive Interview with The Very Gifted 'Points

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Harsh.TV Does An Exclusive Interview with The Very Gifted 'Points' aka Skylar Williams. We talk Inspiration, Influences, Fashion Style, Also why he wants to be the one to give someone special a shot of a lifetime as well as all the amazing projects and his NEW Mixtape out Tomorrow. This interview should not go unread!!! Enjoy!!

Q.Tell us about who you are & What you do?
My artist name is Points, real name Skylar Williams and I am a recording artist from Harlem New York. I specialize in rap music and I'm also a co-owner of the indie label "Do It Ya Self Entertainment", with my manager and business partner Hari "H dirt" Espinosa. I'm a hustler in this rap game and my intentions is to take my career as far I can take it. Weather in the recording booth or in a boardroom, or both!

Q: Describe your Music in 5 words
Vivid story telling, fun with a twist of wow! Deeply satisfying. Lovely and entertaining.

Q: What are your Current projects that you are working on?
I would say, always keep an eye out for me. I have many projects in the works. But lately, I've been hitting them hard with what they thought I couldn't achieve. Right now I'm in the process of releasing "NOW, THEN, STILL, DOITYASELF VOL.1 (MIXTAPE)" Mixed & Hosted by DJ TICAL - on Tuesday September 13th, 2011. Available Digitally and Compact Disc. Here's the > DIRECT LINK > NOTE: CLICK ON "MORE ACTIONS" TO DOWNLOAD THE WHOLE MIXTAPE. If you would like a compact disc signed by me? Hit me up my email @ - You can watch the Promotional Trailer right now! @ and I'm also in the completion of wrapping up my new feature short film M.P.H THE SAGA CONTINUES...A SHORT-PREVIEW DOCUMENTARY FILM - COMING SOON! It's about my come up in the rap game. The ups and downs you go through. For more info hit up >
Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I would like to see myself running my own label in five years time. Sign acts from all over and have them live out their dreams without the industry BS. I want to be the one to give that special someone a shot of a lifetime.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?
I get inspired from life itself, daily situations, from every day people. As far as artist is concern, Tupac Shakur. His my biggest inspiration for making music.

Q: Who would you rather listen to UK or US Music?
I listen to us! M.P.H (Money, Power & Honor), our music mostly. But I listen to all kinds of music when I get a chance to. Every now and then I may check out other acts who are doing their thing. No matter what country they may come from.

Q:What Artist do you listen to?
I listen to few, old and new. I would say, 2pac, Mysonne, A Mafia, Cam'Ron, Mariah Carey, Debra Snipes (gospel).

Q:Who influences your music?
I'm a big influence on my own music, my own sound. But again, artist like 2pac and even my family, friends and my everyday struggles play a part of mine influences towards writing and making music.
Q: Please describe your fashion style in 5 words?
I change up my style at times. But it all depends on my mood, how I feel in that particular day of the week.
Q: How can people Contact you & Collaborate with you?
CONTACT MY MANAGER: Hari "H dirt" Espinosa

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