Tuesday 5 July 2011

A Pleasant Hangover or a Hangover from Hell?

A pleasant Hangover or a Hangover from hell?

Lately, I've heard a lot of people talking about Hangover Part II. Some people have a lot of positive things to say about it, but to be honest, I've heard more negatives, but that may be because I'm looking for them!
I wasn't the biggest fan of the first Hangover. I found it amusing, and the chinese guy was hilarious, there is no doubting that. However, to me, it seemed slightly repetitive and predictable. I won't say I didn't enjoy it though, because I would be telling porkies. I know many people who loved the first film and I don't blame them. It is nice when a comedy film is actually funny, unline most of the films released these days, which turn out to be total let downs.
The Hangover part II is set to break $125 Million at the box office, which isn't surprising. The first Hangover was an impressive comedy, but is it really necessary to make another one? From what I have seen, the second Hangover follows pretty much the same storyline as the first, which makes it more predictable than the first, which to me, would be unbearable.
Of course, a group of men getting ridiculously drunk and dealing with the consequences of their actions the next morning is amusing, but the same storyline in a different country, really?
I am planning on seeing the second one, and may have to eat my words if it's as good as most people are saying. Am I just a miserable grinch? Or should they be packing their bags and heading back home?
Reported By Rachel Boagey

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