- KREAYSHAWN'S TATTOO TOUR_ _ Sketches from Kreayshawn's blue sketchbook. "I got Sailor Moon right here. That represents my whole childhood right there. I was a super Sailor Moon freak. Winning love by daylight, fighting evil by moonlight. It's what I do." "We got my mind exploding, it's a feeling I often have, my mind explodes, I'm too happy. You know what I'm saying?" "I got the Mickey Mouse cheeseburger, right there-- that HURT in that fold." "I got the Libra tattoo cause I'm a Libra. Actually I'm on the libra/virgo cusp, cause my birthday's Sept. 24th. But I claimed Libra cause Libra's are swagged out." "Oh yeah the numbers. People always get confused with this one. People are like, is that your phone number, can I call you? It's like an old school dial pad. So it's like, hey! Ring ring!" "My first one on my neck. I was 15 and my sister was getting a tattoo at this place that did underage tattoos. So I was like, screw that, 20 bucks? I'm getting one too, man." "I got this one in Paris-- this one's cool, cause we were doing a photo shoot and one of the guys with us in Paris did tattoos, and I was like, you should tattoo me while I do the photo shoot! I couldn't think of anything at the time but a chicken wing. Ain't no thang but a chicken wang." "Then I got the tangerine popsicle right there, that's from my grandpa-- he's obsessed with tangerine popsicles. He'll go to the supermarket and buy like 6 boxes of tangerine popsicles. He's insane." "Then we got Daisy Duck with a 22 and smoking. I think it's one of my favorite tattoos. A lot of tattoos I just get when I'm really high. You know, you just think of something great and you're like, I'm gonna go get that right now. Last minute decision." "I always wanted a Hello Kitty tattoo, but I didn't wanna have a basic one so I told my friend to draw a little day of the dead Hello Kitty. I need to get it touched up." Sketches from Kreayshawn's blue sketchbook. Sketches from Kreayshawn's blue sketchbook. Sketches from Kreayshawn's blue sketchbook. "I got Sailor Moon right here. That represents my whole childhood right there. I was a super Sailor Moon freak. Winning love by daylight, fighting evil by moonlight. It's what I do."
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